Physical Chemistry of Foods

(singke) #1
Irreversibility. The reasoning given above is also an
oversimplification in another sense. Most of the results discussed concern
loss of biological (e.g., enzyme) activity, and the activities then are
determined after cooling to room temperature. It thus concerns an
irreversible change, rather than reversible unfolding. The simplest case
would be







FIGURE7.9 Heating times needed (t*) for inactivation (reduction of activity to
about 1%) of the enzymes chymosin (Ch), lipoxygenase (LP), acid phosphatase (AP),
and plasmin (Pl); and for 30%of ovalbumin (OA) andb-lactoglobulin (LG) to
become insoluble. Because of the narrow temperature intervals involved, also plots
versusT, rather than 1/T, can be approximately linear.

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