Physical Chemistry of Foods

(singke) #1

  1. Immobilized water. This is meant to be water that does not leak
    out of a solidlike food. It is present in closed cells, in open pores in a solid
    matrix (like a sponge), or between chains of coiled polymers. Binding sites
    for water need not be present for the water to be held, and ‘‘bound water’’
    clearly is a misnomer. Better names are held, trapped, or imbibed water. Its
    amount can be large: in several gels, one g of polymer can readily hold 100 g
    of water. Actually, it is generally an aqueous solution that is held, rather
    than pure water.
    What is the mechanism by which water is held? A simple explanation is
    thatwater fills space. A coiled polymer molecule has a certain equilibrium
    conformation (Section 6.2.1), and there are water molecules in the spaces
    between polymer segments. Removal of water means shrinking of the coil,
    which costs free energy, because it implies a decrease in conformational
    entropy. Something similar is true for a polymer network or gel (Section
    6.4.4) and for other gellike structures (Section 17.2): deformation of the
    network needs a force and thereby energy. This implies that the water in the
    network has a decreased activity, but the decrease is extremely small.
    Equation (8.3) gives the relation betweenawand osmotic pressure. The same
    relation would hold for the mechanical pressure needed to remove water.
    From (8.3), the change inawequals the change in pressure multiplied by

FIGURE8.7 Negative adsorption (steric exclusion) of a solute S from the surface of
a protein molecule or particle. (a) Schematic explanation. (b) Relation between
nonsolvent waterwnsand molecular radiusRsof the solute (mostly sugars) for
micellar caseinate; a scale of molar mass (M, in Da) is also given.Rwis the radius of a
water molecule.

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