Physical Chemistry of Foods

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make quantitative predictions. At very smallw, the system may be in a
glassy state; this is further discussed in Section 16.1. Besides water content,
other factors play a part, for instance,

  1. Composition of the dry matter. Figure 5.16a suggests that for
    several materials roughly one curve is found, but closer inspection shows
    differences by about an order of magnitude inDefffor the samew. If the dry
    matter contains a water soluble substance of fairly small molar mass,
    diffusivity can be markedly greater than in its absence, at least at smallw.If
    glycerol is added to an aqueous system of not too low water content, sayw

    0.5, it will cause the diffusion coefficient to decrease, since glycerol has a
    higher viscosity than water. In a very dry food, however, say forw<0.1, the
    presence of glycerol will generally increase the diffusion coefficient, since its
    presence means a greater proportion of liquid. The presence of sugars, like
    glucose or sucrose, may also enhance diffusivity of water at very smallw.
    These substances then act as ‘‘plasticizers’’ (see Section 16.1).

  2. Molecular size. Point 1 concerns the properties, including
    molecular size, of the materials that form most of the mass of the system,
    for convenience called the matrix. Here we consider the size of diffusing
    molecules, which may be present in small quantities only. According to the
    Stokes–Einstein relation [Eq. (5.16)], the diffusion coefficient of a molecule
    is inversely proportional to its radius. At smallwthis dependence is much
    stronger, since it now concerns diffusion through narrow pores in the matrix
    (see Figure 5.15). Semiquantitative examples are given in Figure 8.9a, where
    the upper curve relates to water. It is seen that at smallwthe differences
    become very large. This phenomenon explains retention of volatiles during
    drying of foods (e.g., coffee essence): most volatiles concerned have a
    distinctly larger molar mass than water. Most gases, on the other hand, will
    diffuse relatively fast.
    To be sure, interaction forces between the diffusing molecules and the
    material of the matrix would also play a part, but this has received little

  3. Temperature. Figure 8.9b gives some examples, and it seen that the
    effect again is very strong at smallw, involving several orders of magnitude.
    This temperature effect is all that allows reasonably fast drying of several
    materials, or determination of dry matter content of most foods by oven

  4. Physical inhomogeneityof the system. Some authors have reported
    that diffusivities in systems of smallwwere markedly greater than expected
    on the basis of some theory, or when extrapolating from higherwvalues.
    Such a discrepancy may well be due to physical inhomogeneity of the
    matrix. Especially at very smallw, tiny cracks may develop in the matrix,
    allowing much faster transport of small molecules. This phenomenon

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