Physical Chemistry of Foods

(singke) #1

Several chapters on microscopic and other methods of determining the physical
structure of foods are in

E. Dickinson, ed. New Physico-Chemical Techniques for the Characterization of
Complex Food Systems. Chapman Hall, London, 1995.

Several texts and reference books exist about microscopic techniques, including
manuals by manufacturers of microscopes. A thorough discussion of the quantitative
relations between what is observed in a two-dimensional cut or slice and the real
three-dimensional structure is by

E. R. Weibel. Stereological Methods, Vols. 1 and 2. Academic Press, London, 1979,

Especially Chapter 2 in Volume I gives a clear and useful introduction.

A fairly simple but very useful and clear introduction on size distributions is by

J. D. Stockham and E. G. Fochtman. Particle Size Analysis. Ann Arbor Science,

Especially Chapters 1, 2, and 11 are recommended. More elaborate and giving much
about methods is

T. Allen. Particle Size Measurements, 5thed. Two volumes. Chapman Hall, London,

It is especially meant for analysis of powders, but Volume 1 gives much general and
useful information.

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