Another interesting though somewhat outdated book covering much relevant
matter, with emphasis on physical structure, is
J. M. V. Blanshard, J. R. Mitchell, eds. Food Structure: Its Creation and
Evaluational. Butterworths, London, 1988.
Fracture mechanics of soft solids is discussed by
T. van Vliet, P. Walstra. Large deformation and fracture behaviour of gels. Faraday
Discussion 101 (1995) 359.
Although it concerns biological materials rather than foods, very interesting aspects
are treated in
J. F. V. Vincent. Structural Biomaterials. Revised Edition. Princeton Univ. Press,
Princeton, 1990.
The following gives much basic information on the rheology of gels:
S. E. Hill, D. A. Ledward, J. R. Mitchell, eds. Functional Properties of Food
Macromolecules, 2nded. Aspen, Gaithersburg, 1998.
Especially Chapters 3, Gelation of globular proteins, by A. H. Clark, and 4, Gelation
of polysaccharides, by V. J. Morris, who also discusses mixed polysaccharide gels,
are recommended.
The gelation of gelatin is discussed by D. A. Ledward in the first edition of the
same book (Chapter 4).
J. R. Mitchell, D. A. Ledward, eds. Elsevier Applied Science, London, 1986.
It also contains a chapter (8) by P. J. Lillford, on the texturization of proteins.
An authoritative and detailed discussion on the gelation of gelatin is given in
Section 10, pages 160–193, in a review by
K. te Nijenhuis. Thermoreversible networks. Adv. Polymer Sci. 139 (1992) 1–265.
A wealth of information on a wide range of polysaccharides, albeit it little on
physical properties, is in
A. M. Stephen, ed. Food Polysaccharides and Their Applications. Marcel Dekker,
New York, 1995.
An introduction to fractal casein gels is given by
P. Walstra, T. van Vliet, L. G. B. Bremer. On the fractal nature of particle gels. In: E.
Dickinson, ed. Food Polymers, Gels, and Colloids. Royal Soc. Chem.,
Cambridge, 1991, p. 369.
Gels made with the aid of surfactants are discussed by
B. Lindman et al. Polysaccharide-Surfactant Systems: Interactions, Phase Diagrams,
and Novel Gels. In: E. Dickinson, P. Walstra, eds. Food Colloids and
Polymers. Royal Soc. Chem., Cambridge, 1993, p. 113.