Appendix A
Frequently Used Symbols for
Physical Quantities
Between parentheses the units—generally SI units—for the quantity are
given, unless the dimensions can vary; (–) means dimensionless.
Unfortunately, the number of physical quantities used is far greater
than the number of symbols available. Many symbols are used with
subscripts and/or superscripts, to identify the quantity further.
A area (m^2 )
Hamaker constant (J)
specific surface area (m^1 )
a particle radius (m)
thermodynamic activity
aw water activity (–)
B permeability (m^2 )
second virial coefficient (mol?m^3 ?kg^2 )
b length of statistical chain element (m)
bch distance between charged groups along chain (m)
C constant
c concentration
c* chain overlap concentration
csat solubility