Quantity Name Symbol
Temperature kelvin K
Amount of substance mole mol
Luminous intensity candela cd
Supplementary Units
These concern the units for a plane angle, the radian, symbol rad; and the
solid angle, the steradian, symbol sr.
Derived Units
Derived units can be made as desired, but some have been given names and
symbols, and only these will be given here (in sofar as relevant).
Quantity Name Symbol SI base units
Amount of electricity coulomb C A?s
Electric capacity farad F A^2 ?s^4 ?kg^1 ?m^2 (C/V)
Electric potential volt V kg?m^2 ?s^3 ?A^1 (W/A)
Electric resistance ohm O kg?m^2 ?A^2 ?s^3 (V/A)
Energy (work, amount
of heat)
joule J kg?m^2 ?s^2 ðN?m;C?VÞ
Force newton N kg?m?s^2
Frequency hertz Hz s^1
Molar mass dalton Da kg?kmol^1 (g/mol)
Power watt W kg?m^2 ?s^3 (J/s)
Pressure, stress pascal Pa kg?m^1 ?s^2 (N/m^2 )
Numerical Prefixes
The most important numerical prefixes are
Multiplication factor Name Symbol
109 giga G
106 mega M
103 kilo k
10 ^1 decia d
10 ^2 centia c
10 ^3 milli m