Hydraulic Structures: Fourth Edition

(Amelia) #1

List of tables

1.1 Large dams: World Register statistics 4
1.2 Summary of numbers of British, US and Chinese dams 5
1.3 Highest dams 6
1.4 Largest-volume dams 6
1.5 Dams with largest-capacity reservoirs 6
1.6 Notional foundation stresses: dams 100 m in height 32
1.7 Dam selection: type characteristics 34
2.1 Representative physical characteristics of soils 47
2.2 Descriptive consistency of clay soils 52
2.3 Illustrative engineering properties for selected soil types 57
2.4 Embankment dam defect mechanisms and preventive
measures 64
2.5 Characteristics of core soils 74
2.6 Indicative engineering properties for compacted earthfills 75
2.7 Guideline factors of safety: effective stress stability analysis 85
2.8 Seismic acceleration coefficients, h, and earthquake
intensity levels 94
3.1 Seismic pressure factors, Ce 131
3.2 Nominated load combinations 132
3.3 Range of shearing resistance parameters 137
3.4 Foundation rock shear strength characteristics 137
3.5 Examples of shear strength degradation 138
3.6 Recommended shear friction factors, FSF 141
3.7 Comparative sliding stability factors: triangular gravity profile 143
3.8 Permissible compressive stresses 147
3.9 Illustrative values for coefficient, K 0 154
3.10 Characteristics of mass concrete for dams 173
3.11 Characteristics of RCCs for dams 177
4.1 Flood, wind and wave standards by dam category 194
7.1 Selected major dam disasters 1959–1993 290

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