Hydraulic Structures: Fourth Edition

(Amelia) #1

Referring to Fig. 6.9 for y 1 /a3/0.9253.24 and y 3 /a2.1/0.9252.27.
Cdcan be estimated also as about 0.5; (this procedure could be used for
computingqfrom given values of y 1 ,y 3 anda).
For estimating the force acting on the gate we use again the momen-
tum equation between sections 1 and 2 (Fig. 6.9).







y^2 ^ P^ q(V 2 V 1 )

9.8 (^103)  (^)  P 103 3.547(6.37 1.18)18.41 103
P20.83 kN m^1.
The above is, of course, only a rough estimate as the hydrodynamic pres-
sure on the gate can fluctuate considerably because of the pulsating
pressure on its downstream side (due to the submerged hydraulic jump).


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