Hydraulic Structures: Fourth Edition

(Amelia) #1
Figures 14.3 and 14.4 show, respectively, the variations of the linear wave
celerity and period as functions of wavelength and depth. In deep water,
for which d/Lis large, tanh(kd) tends to unity. Hence, equation (14.13)
approximates to

c^2 g/kgL/2π. (14.14)

On the other hand, for waves in shallow water, the wavelength is large in
relation to the depth. Thus in shallow water, for which tanh(kd)→kd, the
celerity of the linear wave is given as

c^2 gd. (14.15)

In deep water the longer the wave, the greater is the celerity. This phe-
nomenon is usually called the normal dispersion. Equation (14.14) is a
very close approximation for celerity for values of d/Lgreater than 0.5. On
the other hand, the shallow-water result of equation (14.15) is a good
approximation for values of L/dgreater than 20.


Fig. 14.3 Wave celerity as a function of wavelength and depth
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