Layout 1

(Barry) #1

  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator, for at least a few floors. If you have to take the
    escalator, make it a point to walk it.

  • Walk or bike to nearby destinations instead of always driving.

  • When at the mall, park your car farthest from where you intend to shop.

  • get off the bus a few blocks early, or park a few blocks from work.

  • Exercise while watching television, especially during commercials.

  • Hide your remote control and get up to change TV channels or adjust the volume.

  • Busy yourself with housework, such as vacuuming, washing the floors, polishing furniture or
    washing the windows.

  • Take the dog for a walk.

  • Work in the garden or yard – raking the leaves or sweeping the patio.

  • go for a short walk before breakfast and after dinner.

  • Spend half your lunch hour eating and the other half walking around the building or parking lot.
    get your coworkers to join you.

  • Walk up and down the stairs on your breaks at work.

  • Several times a day, take a few moments to move around and stretch your legs, regardless of what
    you’re doing.

  • When on your cell phone or cordless home phone, walk around while you talk.

  • Clean up the garage or organize your closets or kitchen cupboards.

  • go shopping. You don’t have to buy anything, just walk the aisles and look at the items.

SECTION FIVE: Week 10: Exercise


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