SolidWorks 2010 Bible

(Martin Jones) #1

Appendix A: Finding Help ........................................................................................................

Many users overlook the three options at the bottom of the Search window: Search Previous
Results, Match Similar Words, and Search Titles Only. All three are useful in narrowing your
search. With the new Web help, Search is improved, and includes a section that allows you to fur-
ther narrow the search results that works like guided search.

Additionally, most of the Help linked to from the search results has a link to search the Knowledge
Base on a related phrase. This search of the Knowledge Base (KB) may or may not include any
results. I have seen several links from the Help to the KB that were empty.

SolidWorks Web Site

Most of the valuable information on the SolidWorks Web site ( is behind
the subscription login, but some free information is also available. It may be worthwhile to explore
the SolidWorks site a bit, because it includes a large amount of information ranging from graphics
cards evaluations to training files.

Graphics Cards
The link to this area of the SolidWorks Web site is
testing.html, and appears on the SolidWorks Web site main page behind the text System/
Graphics Card Requirements. SolidWorks has tested the range of most popular graphics cards and
drivers for compatibility with various versions of SolidWorks, and has rated them at various levels
based on the following criteria:

Passed all tests
Passed with limitations
Card has significant stability or repaint problems
Uses the graphics card display settings for SolidWorks
Multi-head hardware accelerated
Supports RealView
Provides 64-bit native support
Supports 3D-Stereo effects

Customer Portal
The SolidWorks Customer Portal is full of useful information. It requires a login, and you can find
it at

SolidWorks Forums
The SolidWorks Forums have areas of wide interest for most users. These include about 40 differ-
ent topic areas, each with a constant flow of information. SolidWorks employees sometimes
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