SolidWorks 2010 Bible

(Martin Jones) #1


Dimensions folder, 631
Dimensions/Relations toolbar, 113–116, 754
general discussion, 750–751
reference dimensions in drawing, 750
solid model, 749–750
direct converter, 949–951
direct editing
combining with history, 958–961
combining with imported geometry, 961
defining role of tools, 956
FeatureWorks, 961–963
overview, 955–956
strengths and limitations, 956–957
Direct Editing tab, CommandManager, 942
Direction 1 Undercut, 1024
Direction 2 option
Curve Driven Pattern, 329
Linear Pattern, 323
Direction 2 Undercut, 1024
Direction of Draw axis, 1002
Direction of Extrusion end condition, 146
Direction Vector end constraint, 249
Disable View Key Creation option, 1053, 1062
disjoint body, 823, 931
disjoint sketch, 825, 980
Display Annotations option, FeatureManager, 347
Display Dimensions option, Block PropertyManager, 736
display options
dimensions, 757–758
drawing views, 712–717
Display pane collapse arrows, FeatureManager, 59
Display pane, FeatureManager
column symbols, 502
controlling multi-body Display States, 836
hiding or showing bodies, 835
overview, 58–59
transparency, 869
Display States functionality
in assemblies, 505
controlling, 502–504
drawing views, 712
overview, 501, 694, 835
parent view, 505
visualization techniques, 193–194
Display Style functionality, 694, 712–714
Display Warnings option, FeatureManager, 208
Display/Delete Relations button, Sketch toolbar, 153
Display/Delete Relations PropertyManager, 28, 206, 377

part configurations and, 380–388
SpecialHole feature, 635
design table–created configuration, 388
design tree
containing Hole Wizard hole, 583
MotionManager, 1048
desktop shortcut, 57
Detach Segment on Drag feature, 119
detached PropertyManager, 61, 406–407
Detail View
detail circle, 695–697
editing, 697
developable geometry, 294
developable surface, 847
deviation analysis, 428
Deviation Analysis tool, 416
Diagnose button, SketchXpert, 208
Diameter Dimension option, 92
diameter symbols, Modifying Symbols library, 741
difference Boolean, 816
Dimension Names option, 382
Dimension Palette, 759–760
Dimension Properties interface, 91–92
Dimension PropertyManager, 750, 756
Dimension Text panel, Dimension PropertyManager, 737, 757
dimensioning. See also reference dimensions
break lines, 759
Dimension Palette, 759–760
Dimension Text panel, 757
Display Options, 757–758
Insert Model Items, 746–747
Primary Value Override option, 757
to reference geometry, 134
tutorial, 762–766
using dimension styles, 762
Witness/Leader Display panel, 759
3D sketches, 976
adding text and tolerances to with Dimension
Palette, 760
adding to design table, 385
controlling with part configurations, 373–374
on layers, 796
locking orientation of, 89
Model View, 694
naming, 344–346
options for creating, 89
placing library feature with, 620
placing on angled line, 35

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