SolidWorks 2010 Bible

(Martin Jones) #1


MidSurface PropertyManager, 859
MidSurface tool, 858
Mings, Josh, 1080
minimizing icons, 71
mirror components, 445, 533–535
Mirror Entities tool, 99, 318
Mirror function, 931
Mirror Part command, 335–336, 562–563
Mirror Part PropertyManager, 570–572
Mirror PropertyManagers, 335
MirrorComponent icon, FeatureManager, 445
3D, 334–336
Dynamic Mirror tool, 318
Mirror Entities tool, 318
Symmetry sketch relation, 318
tutorial, 337–339
Miter Flange feature, 907–908
MMB (middle mouse button)
manipulating view, 176–177
manipulating view with, 176
moving assembly parts, 164
rotating assembly view, 471
Model Items PropertyManager interface, 746
Model tab, MotionManager interface, 1046
Model View
Cosmetic Thread display panel, 692–694
dimensions, 694
Display State, 694
Display Style, 694
Import Options, 693
multiple views, 693
opening documents, 692
orientation, 693
overview, 691
Reference Configuration list, 692
scale, 694
Select Bodies button, 692
Start Command When Creating New Drawing
option, 692
Thumbnail Preview, 692
Model View button, Drawings toolbar, 691
Model Views PropertyManager, 690
modeling. See also in-context modeling; multi-body modeling
Modify Configurations dialog box
adding custom properties with, 370
overview, 368–369
Table Views tool, 369–370

planes to sketch lines, 514
rules, 443
max-to-max dimension, 92
Mechanical mate, 470
Mechanical Mate types
Belt/Chain, 488–489
Cam, 481
Gear, 482–483
Hinge, 487–488
Rack and Pinion, 483–484
Screw, 485–486
memory surface, 867
Menu Bar menu, 46–47
Menu Bar toolbar, 46–47, 80
menu reset, 79
menus. See also names of specific menus
controlling, 55–57
customizing, 82–83
Merge arc segment bodies option, 982
Merge Bodies option, 321
Merge faces option, Flat Pattern feature, 901–902, 925
Merge option
Shell feature, 819
Sketch Text PropertyManager, 218
Merge Result option, 306
Feature Scope, 826
Fill PropertyManager, 865
Loft, 253
merging and local operations, 838
turning off, 825
Merge tangent faces option, Loft, 252
mesh data, 954–955
Mesh Preview option, 253
meshes, 250, 846, 955
sketches, 221–222
tutorial, 230–231
Microsoft (MS) Ribbon interface, 40
Microsoft Video compressor, 1068
Middle Hole Specification tab, PropertyManager, 589
middle mouse button (MMB)
manipulating view, 176–177
manipulating view with, 176
moving assembly parts, 164
rotating assembly view, 471
Mid-Plane end condition, 144, 149, 237, 244, 823
midpoint relation, 34

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