SolidWorks 2010 Bible

(Martin Jones) #1


training assembly, 648, 651
Transform Curve positioning option, 328
Translate function, Modify Sketch dialog box, 211
Translate Surface method, 144
Translate/Rotate button, Move/Copy Bodies feature, 816
transparency, image, 214
Transparency value slider, 198, 214
transparent commands, 65
Transparent/Opaque Preview option, 253
Treat Corners As Zero Thickness option, 1023
tree display options, assemblies
Component Reference capabilities, 460
showing component and config names and descriptions,
showing feature names and descriptions, 458
View Mates and Dependencies option, 461–462
Flex feature, 298–299
manipulating view, 179–180
Trim away inside option, 102–103
Trim away outside option, 103
Trim Entities tool, 100
Trim function, 100–101, 667, 845
trim plane, Flex feature, 298
Trim side bends option, 906
Trim Surface tool, 855–856
Trim to closest option, 103
trimetric, 3D sketch, 972
Trim/Extend feature, 984
CD-ROM, 1085–1086
mates, 491–492
TrueType font, 107, 217, 726
truncated menu, 81
truncated toolbar, 51
Try to form solid option, Knit Surface function, 853
Turn Camera tool, 184–185
annotations, 740–742
applying visualization techniques, 196–201
arranging assemblies, 464–467
assembly configurations, 523–527
Assembly Visualization tool, 201
Belts tool, 128–131
Blocks tool, 128–131
bracket casting, 303–308
circular patterns, 336–337
component patterns, 537–540

Tool bodies
Combine feature, 815–817
Indent feature, 813–815
Move/Copy Bodies feature, 815–817
tool tips, 50, 911
ToolAnalyst tab, PropertyManager, 60
toolbars, CommandManager
Context toolbars, 47–49
Flyout, 47, 52–53
Full Screen mode, 53
Heads-up View toolbar, 45–46
managing, 50–51
Menu Bar menu, 46–47
Menu Bar toolbar, 46–47
moving, 51
Shortcut “S” toolbar, 49–50
configurations, 597–599
configurator application, 594–596
database, 593–594
organization, 596–597
organizing parts in assembly, 604
overview, 592–593
parts, 597–599
populating holes, 600–602
replacing automated function, 622
Smart Fasteners, 602–604
Structural Steel sketch generator, 981
turning on, 600
tutorial, 606–614
Toolbox Browser, 599–600
tooling pulls, 822
Tooling Split icon, Mold Tools toolbar, 1025
Tooling Split PropertyManager, 1031
Tools menu
Feature Statistics, 418
Geometry Analysis, 417
overview, 55–56
SimulationXpress, 420
Top View command, 177
top-down modeling. See in-context modeling
top-level assembly, 548
Top-level only BOM, 770
toroidal surfaces, wrapping, 294
torsion spring, 1071
touch device, 71–72
tracing guide, 214
traditional Help format, 10

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