SolidWorks 2010 Bible

(Martin Jones) #1

Part I: SolidWorks Basics

  1. Use the Smart Dimension tool to apply dimensions, as shown in Figure 3.49. Note
    that the 3.450-inch dimension goes to the part origin on the left. You can select this from
    either the graphics window or the FeatureManager.

Dimensioning the new sketch

Best Practice
It is best practice to dimension or create sketch relations to items that have the fewest other relations. You
should try to use the part origin and standard planes when possible. Dimensioning to reference geometry is
better than dimensioning to model edges, although this is not always possible. Experienced users will immedi-
ately recognize the need for removing layers of references to prevent restrictive parent-child relations and bro-
ken or dangling relations. For beginning users, after you have some experience with making changes to models
where relations have been applied carelessly, being more selective with sketch and dimension references will
look more attractive to you. n

  1. Click the Extrude toolbar button on the Features tab of the CommandManager.
    Rotate the model (by dragging with the mouse wheel depressed. Click the middle mouse
    button and drag) slightly so you can see the side of the extrusion preview, as shown in
    Figure 3.50.

You may have to adjust the direction of the extrude using the icon with the arrows just
below the Direction1 heading in the Boss-Extrude PropertyManager.

  1. Use the Up To Next end condition, which makes the sketch go up to the next solid
    that it encounters.

  2. Use the View menu to turn off the display of Axes, Temporary Axes and Planes.

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