SolidWorks 2010 Bible

(Martin Jones) #1

Chapter 5: Using Visualization Techniques

l^ Zoom In/Out. Drag the mouse up or down to zoom in or out, respectively. You can also
access this command by holding down the Shift key and dragging up or down with the
MMB. The hotkey Z and Shift+Z work for Zoom Out and Zoom In, respectively. The
percentage of the zoom is a fixed amount and cannot be adjusted.
l^ Zoom to Selection. Resizes the screen to fit the selection. You can also access this
command by right-clicking on a feature in the FeatureManager. For example, if you select
a sketch from the FeatureManager and right-click and select Zoom to Selection, the view
positions the sketch in the middle of the screen and resizes the sketch to match the
display. The view does not rotate with Zoom to Selection.

A reciprocal function enables you to find an item in the tree from graphics window geometry. If you right-click
a face of the model, then you can select Go to Feature in Tree, which highlights the parent feature. n

l Zoom about Screen Center. Enables you to zoom straight in and straight out. This tool is
off by default. The default behavior is that zooming works around the cursor. If the cursor
is off to one side, zooming in and out can cause the view to “walk” away from that side.
This command is only found in the menus at View ➪ Modify and does not have an icon.

l Draft, Undercut, and Parting Line Analysis. Evaluates the manufacturability of plastic
and cast parts. These three types of geometric analysis are discussed in more detail in the
discussion on model evaluation in Chapter 11.

l Rotate View. Enables you to orbit around the part or assembly using the left mouse
button (LMB). You can also access this command by using the MMB without the
Toolbar icon.
l^ Roll View. Spins the view on the plane of the screen.

l^ Pan. Scrolls the view flat to the screen by dragging the mouse. You can also access this
command by holding down the Ctrl key and dragging the MMB without using the Toolbar
icon, or with Ctrl+arrow.
l 3D Drawing View. Enables you to rotate the model within a drawing view to make
selections that would otherwise be difficult or impossible. This is of no use in part and
assembly models.
l^ Standard Views flyout toolbar. The Standard Views toolbar is discussed later in this
chapter. The flyout enables you to access all the Standard Views tools. This button is also
called the View Orientation flyout, depending on where you see it.
l Wireframe. Displays the model edges without the shaded faces. No edges are hidden.

l Hidden Lines Visible (HLV). Displays the model edges without the shaded faces. Edges
that would be hidden are displayed in a font.
l Hidden Lines Removed (HLR). Displays the model edges without the shaded faces.
Edges that are hidden by the part are removed from the display.
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