SolidWorks 2010 Bible

(Martin Jones) #1

Chapter 10: Working with Part Configurations

  1. If a cell in the second row of the design table is selected, select a different empty
    cell that is not in the second row (this prevents data from automatically populating
    cells until you have the correct data). Now double-click the Extrude1 feature in the
    FeatureManager. Find the .500" (D1) dimension on the screen. Right-click the dimension
    and rename it BaseThk.

  2. Click the next open cell in the second row, and double-click the .500" dimension
    that you just renamed. You may have to use the handles at the corners and side mid-
    points to resize the Excel window to see everything. Add another configuration row and
    the additional values in the cells, as shown in Figure 10.35. The color number is deter-
    mined by a formula that you can find in the help section under the topic Color

FIGURE 10.35
Make additions to the design table.

  1. Remember that this part needs to have the number of ribs always equal to the
    number of holes. This is simple to do in Excel. Click in the first row value for the Rib#
    number. This is cell F3 in Figure 10.34. Type the equal sign and then click in the cell
    to the left, E3. You can also simply type =E3 in this cell. This links the Rib# cell to the
    Hole# cell.

  2. Use the Window Fill feature by selecting the dot at the lower-right corner of the
    selected F3 cell and dragging it down to include cells F4 and F5, as shown in
    Figure 10.36.

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