Part III: Working with Assemblies
FIGURE 16.26
Creating a plane in the assembly driven by the layout sketch
- Create a new part on the Sprue Bushing Seat plane.
- Activate the Convert Entities sketch tool, select the large (approximately 4-inch
diameter) circle from the Pin Layout sketch, and convert it into the sketch plane of
the new part.
- Draw a 1/2 inch circle in the center (at the origin). Extrude the sketch 0.875 inch so
that it protrudes from Plate 2.
- Exit the Edit Part mode (using the ConfirmationCorner). Rename the new part Sprue
- Left-click on Plate2 and select Edit Part from the shortcut toolbar.
- Open a new sketch on the Sprue Bushing Seat plane (which is part of the assembly,
not part of the part).
- Select the large circle used in Step 13, and use the Offset sketch tool to offset the
circle 0.005 inch to the outside. Create a Through All cut that comes out the exposed
side of Plate2, clearing an area for the Sprue Bushing. You may need to switch to
Wireframe display to accomplish this.
- Apply a chamfer to the outer edge of the new cut, 0.010 inch.
- Exit Edit Part mode, and save the assembly to a new location by choosing File ➪
Save As. Click the Save All button, and then select the Save Externally option, as shown
in Figure 16.27.