Chapter 17: Using Hole Wizard and Toolbox .............................................................................
A design tree containing a Hole Wizard hole
Placement sketch
The placement sketch is listed first under the Hole Wizard feature. It contains one or more sketch
points marking the hole centers. It may also contain construction geometry with relations and
dimensions to parametrically locate the hole centers. I discuss placement sketches in more detail in
the next section.
Hole sketch
The revolve profile sketch is not on an identifiable sketch plane that you can reuse for other features,
although that would be useful. You can change the sketch dimensions outside of the wizard interface,
and if you later use the wizard to edit it, then the changes appear in the Custom Sizing panel.
Figure 17.3 shows the Custom Sizing panel with the changed counterbore diameter highlighted.
The Custom Sizing area of the Hole Specifications panel
If you select any of the choices from the Options panel, the revolved sketch profile is altered to
accommodate the change. For example, if you select the check box for a near side countersink, the
sketch changes to add a line for the countersink; a separate chamfer feature is not added.
2D versus 3D placement sketches
In SolidWorks 2010, SolidWorks changed the Hole Wizard so that it defaults to a 2D sketch. Pre-
selection of a plane or planar face is still recommended because it eliminates a step later on, but it
is no longer required in order to avoid being forced into a 3D placement sketch. 3D placement