SolidWorks 2010 Bible

(Martin Jones) #1

Part IV: Creating and Using Libraries


Adding the next feature to the library feature

Notice that a plane has been added. The plane is made to only reference geometry that is internal
to the library feature; it is perpendicular to an edge at the midpoint, which simultaneously locates
and orients the plane correctly to enable it to be used to mirror the Ear feature.

Also, notice that the EarSketch uses the same face reference from the base feature. This will appear
in the Reference list as a single reference.

Saving the library feature
You can use two methods to save a library feature. You can either drag-and-drop it into a Design
Library folder or use the Save As method. Because Save As is a little more common, I describe it first.

The first step in saving the library feature is to select all the features in the FeatureManager that are
intended to be a part of the library feature. Collapse the features first so that the sketches belonging
to features are not selected. If the sketches are selected, you may get a warning message saying that
no selected features can be used in the library feature. Do not worry; the sketches still will be

Remember that you can Ctrl+select individual features, Shift+select a range, or click-and-drag a selection box
in the FeatureManager to select multiple features. Also keep in mind that if you do not select a feature (other
than the base feature), then it will not be placed into the part when you insert the library feature. If there were
any relations to the omitted feature, they may display as errors or warnings when you place the feature. n

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