SolidWorks 2010 Bible

(Martin Jones) #1

Part VII: Working with Specialized Functionality

FIGURE 29.16

The Miter Flange PropertyManager and a sample part

When selecting edges for the Miter Flange to go on, be sure to remain consistent in your selection. If you start
by selecting an edge on the top of the part, then you should continue selecting edges on the top of the part. If
you do not, then SolidWorks prompts you with a warning message in a tool tip that says that the edge is on the
wrong face. n

Some of the controls in the Miter Flange PropertyManager should be familiar by now, such as Use
default radius, Flange Position, Trim side bends, and Gap Distance. You have seen these controls
before in the Edge Flange PropertyManager.

The Start/End Offset panel enables you to pull a Miter Flange back from an edge without using a
cut. If you need an intermittent flange, then you may need to use cuts or multiple Miter Flange fea-
tures, as shown in Figure 29.17.

Hem feature

The Hem feature is used to roll over the edge of a sheet metal part. This feature is often used to
smooth over a sharp edge or to add strength to the edge. You can also use it for other purposes,
such as to capture a pin for a hinge. SolidWorks offers four different hem styles — Closed, Open,
Tear Drop, and Rolled — which are shown as icons on the Hem PropertyManager. The
PropertyManager for the Hem feature is shown in Figure 29.18.

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