SolidWorks 2010 Bible

(Martin Jones) #1

Chapter 30: Using Imported Geometry and Direct Editing Techniques

other formats. Figure 30.10 shows the FeatureManager and the part on the screen. Again notice
that the location where the huge problem faces come off the model are pointy triangular faces.

FIGURE 30.10

Some parts are simply beyond repair.

If you get an error that says “There are no points that exist in this file” when importing an IGES file, it is proba-
bly because you have Scan To 3D selected in your add-ins list. IGES is one of the accepted file types for bring-
ing in point cloud data, and Scan To 3D assumes you are trying to use the IGES for that. Scan To 3D is an
add-in that comes with SolidWorks Premium, not with SolidWorks Standard, so it is beyond the scope of this
book. To disable it, choose Tools ➪ Add-ins and deselect the check mark in the box next to Scan To 3D. n

If you get a part that is this bad, your first move should be to try to get better data from the source.
If that isn’t available, you are going to have an uphill battle trying to make this part work.
Automatic healing with the Import Diagnosis isn’t going to touch this part. Repair is going to be an
exercise in manual surface modeling. If you don’t have the patience for that, you could try solid
modeling from the reference faces on the part. If you look closely at the interaction of some of the
fillets, it is no surprise that the translation failed so badly. Many of the fillets are badly hacked
together. In addition, if this is a casting, someone is going to need to apply draft to the part, and
with all the fillets on it, this part is not going to lend itself to that very well.

Using direct converters
SolidWorks contains some direct converters that either extract the kernel data (Parasolid informa-
tion) or read the actual feature data and rebuild feature-based parts. The direct converter for Pro/
ENGINEER data is probably the most widely used. Figure 30.11 shows the dialog box for the Pro/
ENGINEER to SolidWorks Converter.
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