Handbook for Sound Engineers

(Wang) #1

xx Contributors

Ralph Heinz
Ralph Heinz joined Renkus-Heinz in 1990 with a background in mechanical engi-
neering. Very quickly he developed a thorough understanding of acoustics and has
made many proprietory loudspeaker technologies and patients including Complex-
Conic Horns, CoEntrant Topology, and True Array Principle.

David Miles Huber
David Miles Huber has written such books as the industry standard text Modern
Recording Techniques (www.modrec.com), The MIDI Manual, and Professional
Microphone Techniques. He’s also a producer and musician in the dance, chill and
downtempo genres, whose CDs, have sold over the million mark. His latest music
and collaborations with artists in the United States, United Kingdom, and Europe
can be heard at http://www.51bpm.com and http://www.MySpace/51bpm.

Joe Hull
Joe Hull started his career in audio in the early 1960s working as a retail salesman
in Cambridge, Massachusetts, at a time when some customers still needed
convincing that stereo really was better than mono. In 1970, he joined the legendary
Advent Corporation, where he worked for 8 years in a variety of sales and
marketing positions, concluding that what he liked best was writing about high-
technology products, such as the first cassette decks with Dolby B, for a lay audi-
ence. He’s been doing just that for Dolby Laboratories since 1978, with a few years’
hiatus out on his own as a freelance writer. Joe works and lives in San Francisco.
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