Handbook for Sound Engineers

(Wang) #1
Acoustics for Auditoriums and Concert Halls 183 Sound Absorbers

Sound absorbers can occur in the shape of surfaces,
built-in elements, pieces of furniture, or in the form of
unavoidable environmental conditions (e.g., air) as well
as arrangements conditioned by utilization of the room
(e.g. spectators, decorations). According to their prefer-
ential effect in a determined frequency range one distin-
guishes on principle between

  • Absorbers in the low-frequency range between
    approximately 32 Hz and 250 Hz.

  • Absorbers in the medium-frequency range between
    approximately 315 Hz and 1000 Hz.

  • Absorbers in the high-frequency range between
    approximately 1250 Hz and 12 kHz.

  • Broadband absorbers.

For acoustical characterization of a sound absorber
there serves its frequency-dependent sound absorption
coefficient D or the equivalent sound absorption area A.
For an area of size S one determines the equivalent
sound absorption area A as


The sound power Wi being incident on an area of size

S of a sound-absorbing material or a construction is
designated as sound intensity Ii, part of which is
reflected as sound intensity Ir, and the rest is absorbed
as sound intensity Iabs. The absorbed sound intensity
consists of the sound absorption by dissipation (trans-
formation of the sound intensity Ið in heat, internal
losses by friction at the microstructure or in coupled
resounding hollow spaces), and of the sound absorption
by transmission (transmission of the sound intensity IW
into the coupled room behind the sound absorber or into
adjacent structural elements).


With the sound reflection coefficient defined as


and the sound absorption coefficient D as


as a sum of the dissipation coefficient G


and the transmission coefficient


Eq. 7-57 becomes


The transmission coefficient W plays a role when
considering the sound insulation of structural compo-
nents. For nonmovable, monocoque, acoustically hard
material surfaces (e.g., walls, windows), it is, according
to Cremer,^48 possible to consider the frequency depen-
dence of the transmission coefficient as a low-pass
behavior which surpasses the given value up to a limit
frequency fW. With a negligible dissipation coefficient it
is furthermore possible to equate the transmission coeffi-

Figure 7-45. Schroeder diffusor with primitive root

Figure 7-46. Boundary Element Methods (BEM) based soft-
ware tool for calculating scattering coefficients.


Ii Ir+= Iabs
= Ir++IG IW




= ---








--- -=



--- -=

1 =UGW++
= UD+
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