Handbook for Sound Engineers

(Wang) #1
Acoustics for Auditoriums and Concert Halls 187

located in this indifferent acoustical boundary region, so
that the influence of this additional attenuation becomes
particularly relevant for the auditory impression.
According to Mommertz^45 this effect of additional
attenuation can be attributed to three causes:

  1. The periodical structure of seat arrangement
    compels a guided wave propagation for low
    frequencies. In the frequency range between
    150 Hz and 250 Hz, this additional attenuation
    causes a frequency-selective level dip which is
    designated as seat dip effect. An example is given
    in Fig. 7-52 for a frequency of about 200 Hz.^45

  2. The scattering of sound at the heads produces an
    additional attenuation especially in the frequency
    range between 1.5 kHz and 4 kHz, which is desig-
    nated as head dip effect, Fig. 7-52. The magnitude
    of the effect depends largely on the seat arrange-
    ment and the orientation of the head with regard to
    the sound source.

  3. In combination with the incident direct sound, the
    scattering at the shoulders produces a very broad-
    band additional attenuation through interference. It
    is possible to define a simple correlation between
    the so-called elevation angle, Fig. 7-53, and the
    sound level reduction in the medium-frequency
    range at ear level of a sitting person.^45

' L is in dB,
is in degrees, < 8°.

Fig. 7-54 shows a graphical representation of the
correlation resulting from Eq. 7-72. One sees that with a
plain arrangement of source and receiver the resulting
level reduction may be up to about 14 dB, whereas an

elevation angle of 7° suffices to cut the level reduction
to a negligible amount of less than 1 dB. The reflection
plane defined in Fig. 7-53 lies herewith hL=0.15m
(0.5 ft) below ear level, for example, at shoulder level of
a sitting person (approximately 1.05 m [3.5 ft] above
the upper edge of floor). According to Reference 45, the
additional attenuation depends herewith only on the
elevation angle, no matter if tier sloping is effected in
the audience area or in the performance area.

Fig. 7-55 shows the influence of the height of the
sound source above the ear level of a person sitting in a
row at a distance source-receiver of 15 m (50 ft), on the
frequency-dependent additional attenuation caused by a
grazing sound incidence over an audience.^45 The
receiver level is herewith 1.2 m (4 ft) above the upper
edge of the floor, the height of the source above the
floor is represented in this example as being 1.4 m and
2.0 m (4.6 ft and 6.6 ft). With a level difference of only
0.2 m (0.66 ft) between source and receiver, one can
clearly recognize the additional timbre change of the
direct sound component and of the initial reflections by
attenuation in the low- and medium-frequency ranges,
whereas with a level difference of 0.8 m (2.6 ft) the
sound level attenuations get reduced to below 3 dB.

Figure 7-52. Measured quantity spectrum of the transfer
function above a plain audience arrangement.^45

'L –= 20 log 0.2+0.1J


100 1000 10,000








Figure 7-53. Geometric data for determining the elevation
angle above a sound reflecting plane.

Figure 7-54. Sound pressure level reduction by sound
dispersion at shoulder level of sitting persons as a function
of the elevation angle.

hs = height of the sound source above the reflection plane
he = height of the receiver above the reflection plane
G = elevation angle

hs G


Elevation angle–degrees

Level reduction–dB
0 2 4 6 8

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