Handbook for Sound Engineers

(Wang) #1
Audio Transformers 303 Resistances, Capacitances, and Other Data

Other data which can be very helpful to an equipment or
system designer includes resistances of each winding
and capacitances from winding to winding or winding
to Faraday shield or transformer frame. Do not use an
ohmmeter to check winding resistances unless you are
able to later demagnetize the part. Ordinary ohmmeters,
especially on low-ohm ranges, can weakly magnetize
the core. If an ohmmeter simply must be used, use the
highest range where the current is least.

Capacitances are usually measured on impedance
bridges and, to minimize the effects of winding induc-
tances, with all windings shorted. Total capacitances can
be measured this way, but balance of capacitances across
a winding must be measured indirectly. CMRR tests are
effectively measuring capacitance imbalances.
As shown in Fig. 11-54, sometimes the input imped-
ance of a winding is measured with specified load on
other windings. This test includes the effects of primary
resistance, secondary resistance, and the parallel loss
resistance RC shown in Fig. 11-8 and Fig. 11-13. If spec-
ified over a wide frequency range, it also includes the
effects of primary inductance and winding capacitances.

Breakdown voltages are sometimes listed as
measures of insulation integrity. This is normally done
with special equipment, sometimes called a hi-pot
tester, which applies a non-destructive high voltage
while limiting current to a very low value.

11.3.2 Data Sheets Data to Impress or to Inform?

Data sheets and specifications exist to allow easy com-
parison of one product with others. But, in a world
where marketing seems to supersede all else, honest
data sheets and guaranteed specifications are becoming
increasingly rare. As with many other audio products,
most so-called data sheets and specifications are
designed to impress rather than inform. Specifications

offered with unstated measurement conditions are
essentially meaningless, so a degree of skepticism is
always appropriate before comparisons are made. A few

  • Hum Eliminator and Line Level Shifter products with
    no noise rejection or CMRR specs at all!

  • Line Level Shifter products with no gain spec at all!
    Section explains why they won’t tell you!

  • Maximum Power or Maximum Level listed with no
    frequency and no source impedance specified!

Other specifications, while technically true, are
likely to mislead those not wise in the ways of trans-
formers. For example, Maximum Level and Distortion
are commonly specified at 50 Hz, 40 Hz, or 30 Hz
instead of the more rigorous 20 Hz. Be careful, specs at
these higher frequencies will always be much more
impressive than those at 20 Hz! There is an approximate
6 dB per octave relationship at work here. A trans-
former specified for level or distortion at 40 Hz, for
example, will handle about 6 dB less level at 20 Hz and
have at least twice the distortion!
Seen in transformer-based hum eliminator adver-
tising copy: “Frequency response 10 Hz to 40 kHz
±1 dB into 10 kȍ load” and “Distortion less than
0.002% at 1 kHz.” What about the source impedance?
Response at 10 Hz and distortion are always much better
when a transformer is driven from a 0ȍ source! What
happens when a real-world source drives the box? For a
full-range audio transformer, measuring distortion at
1 kHz is nearly meaningless. Section explains. Comprehensive Data Sheet Example

For reference, the following is offered as a sample of a
data sheet that has been called truly useful and brutally
honest. Note that minimum or maximum limits are
guaranteed for the most critical specifications!

Figure 11-53. IEC Common-mode test for input types.

10 7p1%Rs/2

10 7p1%Rs/2


Buf VMeter

Figure 11-54. Impedance tests.



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