Handbook for Sound Engineers

(Wang) #1
Tubes, Discrete Solid State Devices, and Integrated Circuits 313

'Ep is the change in signal plate voltage,
'Eg is the change in the signal grid voltage.

If the amplifier consists of several stages, the amount
of amplification is multiplied by each stage. The gain of
an amplifier stage varies with the type of tube and the
interstage coupling used. The general equation for
voltage gain is


Vgt is the total gain of the amplifier,
Vg 1 , Vg 2 , and Vgn are the voltage gain of the individual

Triode tubes are classified by their amplification
factor. A low-μ tube has an amplification factor less
than 10. Medium-μ tubes have an amplification factor
from 10–50, with a plate resistance of 5:–15,000:.
High-μ tubes have an amplification factor of 50–100
with a plate resistance of 50 k:–100 k:.

12.1.6 Polarity

Polarity reversals take place in a tube. The polarity
reversal in electrical degrees between the elements of a
self-biased pentode for a given signal at the control grid
is shown in Fig. 12-3A. The reversals are the same for a
triode. Note that, for an instantaneous positive voltage
at the control grid, the voltage polarity between the grid
and plate is 180° and will remain so for all normal oper-
ating conditions. The control grid and cathode are in
polarity. The plate and screen-grid elements are in
polarity with each other. The cathode is 180° out of
polarity with the plate and screen-grid elements.
The polarity reversal of the instantaneous voltage
and current for each element is shown in Fig. 12-3B.
For an instantaneous positive sine wave at the control
grid, the voltages at the plate and screen grid are nega-
tive, and the currents are positive. The voltage and
current are both positive in the cathode resistor and are
in polarity with the voltage at the control grid. The
reversals are the same in a triode for a given element.

12.1.7 Internal Capacitance

The internal capacitance of a vacuum tube is created by
the close proximity of the internal elements, Fig. 12-4.
Unless otherwise stated by the manufacturer, the
internal capacitance of a glass tube is measured using a
close-fitting metal tube shield around the glass envelope

connected to the cathode terminal. Generally, the capac-
itance is measured with the heater or filament cold and
with no voltage applied to any of the other elements.

In measuring the capacitance, all metal parts, except
the input and output elements, are connected to the
cathode. These metal parts include internal and external
shields, base sleeves, and unused pins. In testing a
midsection tube, elements not common to the section
being measured are connected to ground.
Input capacitance is measured from the control grid
to all other elements, except the plate, which is
connected to ground.

Vgt=Vg 1 Vg 2 }Vgn

Figure 12-3. Polarity characteristics of a vacuum tube.

Figure 12-4. Interelectrode capacitance of a triode.

180° 180° 0°


Rsg Rp


E 0



Rsg Rp


E 0


Ip +

Isg +

Ik +





A. Polarity reversal of the signal between the
elements of a pentode vacuum tube.

B. Polarity reversal of the current and voltage
in a pentode vacuum tube.






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