Handbook for Sound Engineers

(Wang) #1
Tubes, Discrete Solid State Devices, and Integrated Circuits 343



K varies between 0 and 1 as the control voltage is
changed from full attenuation to full gain.

When the control voltage is 0 V, K= 0.5 and both
output voltages equal the input voltage. The value K is
exponentially proportional to the applied control
voltage; in the SSM2018T, the gain control constant in
the basic VCA configuration is 30 mV/dB, so the
decibel gain is directly proportional to the applied
control voltage. This makes the part especially appli-
cable to audio applications.

The SSM2018 has many applications as a VCA, but
its use as a voltage-controlled panner (VCP) is perhaps
one of the most unique, Fig. 12-43.

THAT Corporation’s 2180 and 2181 VCAs. The
Blackmer VCAs now offered by THAT Corporation
(which registered the trademark “Blackmer” for this
application) exploit the mathematical property that
adding a constant to the logarithm of a number is equiv-
alent, in the linear domain, to multiplying the number
by the antilog of the constant.

The equation for determining the output is


Iin is multiplied by the antilog of EC to produce Iout.
Conveniently, and fortunately for Blackmer, the expo-
nential response of EC is linear in dB.

Consider the unity-gain case when EC=0.

Blackmer VCAs exploit the logarithmic properties of
a bipolar junction transistor (BJT). In the basic
Blackmer circuit, the input signal Iin (the Blackmer
VCA works in the current, not the voltage domain) is
first converted to its log-domain equivalent. A control
voltage, EC, is added to the log of the input signal.
Finally, the antilog is taken of the sum to provide an
output signal Iout. This multiplies Iin by a control
constant, EC. When needed, the input signal voltage is
converted to a current via an input resistor, and the
output signal current is converted back to a voltage via
an op-amp and feedback resistor.
Like the Frey OVCE, the Blackmer VCA’s control
voltage (EC) is exponentiated in the process. This makes
the control law exponential, or linear in dB. Many of the
early embodiments of VCAs for electronic music were
based on linear multiplication and required exponential
converters, either external or internal to the VCA, to
obtain this desirable characteristic.^15 Fig. 12-44 shows
the relationship between gain and EC for a Blackmer

Audio signals are of both polarities; that is, the sign
of Iin in the above equations will be either positive or
negative at different times. Mathematically, the log of a
negative number is undefined, so the circuit must be
designed to handle both polarities. The essence of
David Blackmer’s invention was to handle each
phase—positive and negative—of the signal waveform

Figure 12-43. SSM2018 as a VCP. Courtesy Analog
Devices, Inc.

Vout 2 = V 1 – G
= 21 – K uVin



V 1 G

18 k 7

18 k 7

Iout=antilog>@ logIin+EC

Figure 12-44. THAT 2180 gain versus EC+. Courtesy THAT

Iout=antilog>@ logIin 0+
=Iinu>@antilog 0

=Iinu 1

  • Ec+—mV

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