Transmission Techniques: Fiber Optics 465
1300 nm (second window) or around 1550 nm (third
window). The choice is dictated by:
- Windows—i.e., loss minima, in optical fibers.
- Availability of suitable detectors.
- Cost.
- Minimization of pulse spreading (dispersion) in a
fiber. - Reliability.
Also the facility for wavelength-division multiplexing
(WDM) can also be a factor influencing choice.
15.5.2 Laser Diodes
Laser is an acronym for light amplification by the stim-
ulated emission of radiation. The main difference
between an LED and a laser is that the laser has an opti-
cal cavity required for lasing, see Fig. 15-22. This cav-
ity, called a Fabry-Perot cavity, is formed by cleaving
the opposite end of the chip to form highly parallel,
reflective mirrorlike finishes.
At low electrical drive currents, the laser acts like an
LED and emits light spontaneously. As the drive current
increases, a threshold level is reached, above which
lasing action begins. A laser diode relies on high current
density (many electrons in the small active area of the
chip) to provide lasing action. Some of the photons
emitted by the spontaneous action are trapped in the
Fabry-Perot cavity, reflecting back and forth from end
mirror to end mirror. These photons have an energy
level equal to the band gap of the laser material. If one
of these photons influences an excited electron, the
electron immediately recombines and gives off a
photon. Remember that the wavelength of a photon is a
measure of its energy. Since the energy of the stimulated
photon is equal to the original stimulating photon, its
wavelength is equal to that of the original stimulating
photon. The photon created is a clone of the first
photon. It has the same wavelength, phase, and direc-
tion of travel. In other words, the incident photon has
stimulated the emission of another photon. Amplifica-
tion has occurred, and emitted photons have stimulated
further emission.
The high drive current in the chip creates population
inversion. Population inversion is the state in which a
high percentage of the atoms move from the ground
state to the excited state so that a great number of free
electrons and holes exist in the active area around the
junction. When population inversion is present, a
photon is more likely to stimulate emission than be
absorbed. Only above the threshold current does popula-
tion inversion exist at a level sufficient to allow lasing.
Although some of the photons remain trapped in the
cavity, reflecting back and forth and stimulating further
emissions, others escape through the two cleaved end
faces in an intense beam of light. Since light is coupled
into the fiber only from the front face, the rear face is
often coated with a reflective material to reduce the
amount of light emitted. Light from the rear face can
also be used to monitor the output from the front face.
Such monitoring can be used to adjust the drive current
to maintain constant power level on the output.
Thus, the laser differs from an LED in that laser light
has the following attributes:
- Nearly monochromatic: The light emitted has a
narrow band of wavelengths. It is nearly mono-
chromatic, that is, of a single wavelength. In
contrast to the LED, laser light is not continuous
across the band of its special width. Several distinct
wavelengths are emitted on either side of the
central wavelength. - Coherent: The light wavelengths are in phase,
rising and falling through the sine-wave cycle at
the same time.
Figure 15-21. The Burrus LED double heterostructure.
Figure 15-22. Semiconductor laser. Courtesy AMP Incorpo-
Electrical contact
Heat sink
Electrical contact 50 Mm dia.
Stripe Contact
Optical Cavity
Substrate End