32 Chapter 2
would not be concerned with the effects of such interac-
tions since they came for the food and not the music.
Concert-goers or church attendees would be more
concerned, because their seat might be in a dead spot,
and the interactions disrupt their listening experience,
possibly to the point of reducing the information
conveyed via the sound system. A venue owner may
make a significant investment in good quality loud-
speakers, only to have their response impaired by such
interactions with an adjacent loudspeaker or room
surface, Fig. 2-16.
Phase interactions are most disruptive in critical
listening environments, such as recording studio control
rooms or high quality home entertainment systems.
Users of these types of systems often make a large
investment to maintain sonic accuracy by purchasing
phase coherent loudspeakers and appropriate acoustical
treatments for the listening space. The tonal coloration
caused by wave interference may be unacceptable for a
recording studio control room but may be artistically
pleasing in a home audio system.
Loudspeaker designers can use wave interaction to
their advantage by choosing loudspeaker spacings that
form useful radiation patterns. Almost all pattern
control in the low frequency decade is achieved in this
manner. Uninformed system designers create undesir-
able radiation patterns by accident in the way that they
place and stack loudspeakers. The results are poor
coverage and reduced acoustic gain.
The proper way to view the loudspeaker and room
are as filters that the sound energy must pass through en
route to the listener. Some aspects of these filters can be
compensated with electronic filters—a process known
as equalization. Other aspects cannot, and electronic
equalization merely aggravates or masks the problem.
2.8 Ohm’s Law
In acoustics, the sound that we hear is nature restoring
an equilibrium condition after an atmospheric distur-
bance. The disturbance produces waves that cause the
atmospheric pressure to oscillate above and below
ambient pressure as they propagate past a point of
observation. The air always settles to its ambient state
upon cessation of the disturbance.
In an electrical circuit, a potential difference in elec-
trical pressure between two points causes current to
flow. Electrical current results from electrons flowing to
a point of lower potential. The electrical potential differ-
ence is called an electromotive force (EMF) and the unit
is the volt (V). The rate of electron flow is called
current and the unit is the ampere (A). The ratio
between voltage and current is called the resistance and
the unit is the ohm (:). The product of voltage and
current is the apparent power, W, that is produced by
the source and consumed by the load. Power is the rate
of doing work and power ratings must always include a
reference to time. A power source can produce a rated
voltage at a rated flow of current into a specified load
for a specified period of time. The ratio of voltage to
current can be manipulated to optimize a source for a
specific task. For instance, current flow can be sacri-
ficed to maximize voltage transfer. When a device is
called upon to deliver appreciable current, it is said to
be operating under load. The load on an automobile
increases when it must maintain speed on an uphill
grade, and greater power transfer between the engine
and drive train is required. Care must be taken when
loading audio components to prevent distortion or even
damage. Ohm’s Law describes the ratios that exist
between voltage, current, and resistance in an electrical
E is in volts,
I is in amperes,
R is in ohms.
Figure 2-15. Phase interference occurs when waves from
multiple sources arrive at different times. Courtesy
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