Handbook for Sound Engineers

(Wang) #1
Psychoacoustics 55

fundamental frequency. For example, when a violin is
playing a tone of concert A (440 Hz), the spectrum
includes not only the frequency of 440 Hz but also the
frequencies of 880 (2 × 440) Hz, 1320 (3 × 440) Hz,
and 1760 (4 × 440) Hz, etc.
To perceive a pitch, the sound must be able to match
with a pure tone, i.e., a listener must be able to adjust
the frequency of a pure tone to produce an identical
pitch as the given sound. An opposite example is as
follows. When one hits a small drum, it might sound
higher than a bigger drum. However, normally one
cannot match the sound that a drum produces with a
pure tone. The exception, of course, would be a tympani
or a steel drum. Therefore, the sound that most drums
make does not result in the perception of pitch. Another
attribute of pitch is that, if a sound has pitch, one can
use it to make a melody. One could use a frequency
generator to produce a pure tone at a frequency of 10
kHz, and one could match it with another tone by
listening to the beats. However, it would not be
perceived as a tone, and it could not be used as part of a
melody; therefore it would not be thought of as having
pitch.^34 This will be discussed further in Section 3.9.3.

3.9.1 The Unit of Pitch

The unit of mel is proposed as a measure of the subjec-
tive quantity of pitch.^35 It is always referenced to a pure
tone at 1 kHz at 40 dB above a listener’s threshold,
which is defined as 1000 mels. If another sound pro-
duces a pitch that sounds two times as high as this refer-
ence, it is considered to be 2000 mels, etc. Fig. 3-18
shows the relationship between pitch in mels and fre-
quency in Hz. The frequency axis in Fig. 3-18 is in log-
arithmic scale. However, the curve is not a straight line,
indicating that our pitch perception is not an ideal loga-
rithmic scale with respect to frequency in Hz. This rela-
tionship is probably more important for melodic
intervals (when notes are played sequentially) than for
chords (when notes are played simultaneously). In a
chord, in order to produce a clean harmony, the notes
have to coincide with the harmonics of the root note;
otherwise, beats will occur, sounding out of tune. In the
music and audio industry, it is much more convenient to
use frequency in Hz or the unit of cent based on the
objective quantity of frequency.
Because our hearing is approximately a logarithmic
scale on frequency—e.g., doubling frequency trans-
poses a musical note to an octave higher—musical
intervals between two tones can be described objec-
tively in the unit of cent as defined by Eq. 3-7.


f 1 and f 2 are the fundamental frequencies of the two

Thus, a semi-tone on a piano (equal temperament) is
100 cents, and an interval of an octave is 1200 cents.
Using the unit of cent, one can easily describe the
differences among various temperaments (e.g., equal
temperament, Pythagorean scale, Just-tuning, etc.).

3.9.2 Perception of Pure and Complex Tones

How does our brain perceive pitch? The basilar mem-
brane in the inner ear functions as a frequency analyzer:
pure tones at various frequencies will excite specific
locations on the basilar membrane. This would seem to
suggest that the location of the maximum excitation on
the basilar membrane determines the pitch. Actually, the
process is much more complicated: besides the place
coding, there is also temporal coding, which accounts
for the time interval between two adjacent neural
spikes. The temporal coding is necessary for perceiving
the pitch of complex tones, the virtual pitch with miss-
ing fundamentals, etc.36,37 The theories based on place
coding and temporal coding have been proposed to
explain the origin of perception of pure and complex
pitches. For either the place theory or the temporal the-
ory, there is experimental evidence supporting and dis-

Figure 3-18. The relationship between frequency, a purely
physical parameter, and pitch, a subjective reaction to the
physical stimulus. (After Stevens et al., Reference 35.)







10 20 50 100 200 500 1k 2k 5k 10k

Subjective pitch–mels


Musical Interval in cents 1200log 2

f 2
f 1

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log 102

--------------- log 10

f 2
f 1

= u ©¹§·--- -
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