Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1
94 Jesus, Prophet of Islam

edy worse than they. And yet, after making a careful
enquiry into the origin of these discussions, 1 find that
the cause is quite insignificant and entirely dispropor­
tionate to such a quarrel ... 1gather that the present con­
troversy originated as follows: for when you, Alexan­
der, asked each of the presbyters what he thought about
a certain passage in the Scriptures or, rather, what he
thought about a certain aspect of a foolish question; and
you, Arius, without due consideration, laid down propo­
sitions which never ought to have been conceived at all,
or if conceived ought to have been buried in silence,
dissensions arose between you -communion was for­
bidden, and the most people, tom in twain, no longer
preserved the unity of a common body.

The Emperor then exhorts them to let both the unguarded ques­
tion and the inconsiderate answer be forgotten and forgiven:

The subject never ought to have been broached, but there
is always mischief found for idle hands to do and idle
brains to think. The difference between you has not
arisen on any cardinal doctrine laid down in the Scrip­
tures, nor has any new doctrine been introduced. You
both hold one and the same view. Reunion, therefore, is
easily possible.

The Emperor then went on to quote the example of pagan philoso­
phers who agree to disagree on details while holding the same gen­
eral principles. How then, he asked, can it be right for brethren to
behave towards one another like enemies, because of mere trifling
and verbal differences. Such conduct in his opinion was:

... vulgar, childish, and petulant, ill-fitting priests of God
and men of sense ... ltis the wile and temptation of the
Devil. Let us have done with il. If we cannot all think
alike on all topies, we can at least all be united on great
essentials. As regards the Divine Providence, let there
be one faith and one understanding, one united opin­
ion in reference to God.

Constantine's letter concludes:
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