Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1
Early Unitarians in Christianity 99

Myser of Nicholas

The name of Myser of Nicholas is preserved, especially by Church
historians, by virtue of the fact that when Arius was speaking, he
boxed his ears.

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Thus, the Council was composed largely of bishops who held their
faith earnestly and sincerely, but without much inteUectual knowl­
edge of the grounds on which they maintained it. These men were
suddenly brought face to face with the most agile and most learned
exponents of Greek philosophy of the age. Their manner of expres­
sion was such that these bishops could not grasp the significance
of what was being said. Incapable of giving rational explanations
of their knowledge or entering into arguments with their oppo­
nents, they were to either stick to their beliefs in silence or to agree
to whatever the Emperor decided.

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AU the delegates reached Nicea a few days before the Council was
due to start, They coUectedtogether in small groups where the ques­
tions in issue were publidy debated with earnestnessand with feel­
ing. In these gatherings, which took place either in the gymnasium
or in sorne open space, the Greek philosophers placed their darts
of argument and ridicule with great effectiveness. This caused no
small confusion among the delegates.
At last the day arrived, and everyone gathered for the inaugu­
ration of the Council which was to be conducted by the Emperor
himself. The chamber prepared for the meeting was a long, oblong
hall in the palace. In the centre of the room were placed copies of
all the known Gospels, which at that time numbered about three
hundred. Every eye lay upon the Imperial throne, which was carved
in wood and richly covered in gilt. It was placed at the upper end
of the hall between two rows of seats which faced each other.
The deep silence was disturbed by the faint sounds of a distant
procession. lt was approaching the palace. Then the officers of the
court came in one by one. At last a signal from without announced
that the Emperor was close at hand. The whole assembly stood up,
and for what was the first time for many of them, they set their
wondering gaze on the Roman Emperor, Constantine, the Con­
queror, the August, the Great.
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