Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1
Early Unitarians in Christianity 111

collection of ideas that would tend to persuade the
reader that the Gospels hardly raise any problems con­
cerning the personaIities of the authors of the various
books, the authenticity of the texts and the truth of the
descriptions. In spite of the fact that there are so many
unknowns concerning authors of whose identity we are
not at aIl sure, we find a weaIth of precise information
in this kind of introductory note. Often they present as
a certainty what is pure hypothesis, or they state that
such-and-such an evangelist was an eye-witness of the
events, while speciaIist works daim the opposite. The
time that elapsed between the end of [esus's ministry
and the appearance of the texts is exaggeratedly re­
duced. They would have one believe that these were
written by one man from an oraI tradition, when in fact
speciaIists have pointed out adaptations to the texts. Of
course, certain difficulties of interpretation are men­
tioned here and there, but they ride rough shod over
glaring contradictions that must strike anyone who
thinks about them. In the little glossaries one finds
among the appendices complementing a reassuring
preface, one observes how improbabilities, contradic­
tions or blatant errors have been hidden or stifled un­
der elever arguments of an apologetic nature. This state
of affairs, which shows up the misleading nature of such
commentaries is very disturbing. JO

Dr. Bucaille continues:

Themajorityof Christiansbelieve thatthe Gospelswere
written by direct witnesses of the life ofJesus and there­
fore constitute unquestionable evidence concerning the
events highlighting his life and preachings. One won­
ders, in the presence of such guarantees of authenticity,
how it is possible to discuss the teachings derived from
them and how one can cast doubt upon the vaIidity of
the Church as an institution by applying the generaI
instructions Jesus himself gave. Today' s popular editions
of the Gospels contain commentaries aimed at propa­
gating these ideas among the generaI public.
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