Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1

124 Jesus, Prophet ofIslam

The following extraet from the Gospel of Barnabas, for example,
(which is taken from the translation of Lonsdale and Laura Ragg)
describes what is alleged to have taken place immediately before
the miraculous feeding of the five thousand - an account which, as
well as furnishing an explanation as to why such a large crowd
had gathcred in the first place, cannot be found in the four offi­
cially accepted Gospels, and for obvious reasons, since it describes
how Jesus publicly demonstrated that he could not possibly be iden­
tified with God, simply by comparing his human attributes with
God's divine attributes:

Accordingly the governor and the priest and the king
prayed Jesus that in order to quiet the people he should
mount up into a lofty place and speak to the people.
Then went up Jesus on to one of the twelve stones which
[oshua made the twelve tribes take up from the midst
of Jordan, when all Israel passed over there dry shod;
and he said with a loud voice: 'Let our priest go up into
a high place whence he may confirm my words.'
Thereupon the priest went up thither; to whom Jesus
said distinctly, so that everyone might hear: 'It is writ­
ten in the testament and covenant of the living God that
our God has no beginning; neither shall He ever have
an end.'
The priest answered: 'Even so it is written therein.'

Jesus said: 'It is written there that our God by His

word alone has created all things.'
'Even so it is,' said the priest.
Jesus said: 'It is written there that God is invisible
and hidden from the mind of man, seeing He is incor­
poreal and uncomposed, without variableness.'
'50 it is truly,' said the priest.
Jesus said: 'Itis written there how that the heaven of
heavens cannot contain Him, seeing that our God is in­
'Sa said Salomon the Prophet,' said the priest, '0 Je­
5aid Jesus: 'It is written there that God has no need
forasmuch as He eats not, sleeps not, and suffers not
from any deficieney.'
'50 is it,' said the priest.
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