Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1
130 Jesus, Prophet ofIslam

It is possible that the reason why there is in fact such a marked
similarity between the contents of The Gospel of Barnabas and that
of the other Gospels is that the Italian translation is not a 'forgery',
but rather a faithful translation of a much earlier Greek or Hebrew
or even Aramaic version, whichwas in existence long before the
Qur'an was revealed, and on which the writers of the four offi­
cially accepted Gospels perhaps depended - for it is now generally
accepted that the three earliest accepted Gospels, known as the
Synoptic Gospels, were in part derived from an earlier unknown
Gospel which today's researchers often refer to as the '0' Gospel,
for want of a better name.
Itis possible that this earlier unknown Gospel could be the origi­
nal Gospel of Barnabas, although it is clear from the following analy­
sis contained in Dr. Maurice Bucaille's book, The Bible, the Qur' an
and Science, that the 'Q' Gospel may well have been a collection of
different narrations, rather than one complete document:

The problem of sources was approached in a very sim­
plistic fashion at the time of the Fathers of the Church.
In the early centuries of Christianity, the only source
available was the Gospel that the complete manuscripts
provided first, Le. Matthew's Gospel. The problem of
sources only concerned Mark and Luke because John
constituted a quite separate case. Saint Augustine held
that Mark, who appears second in the traditional order
of presentation, had been inspired by Matthew and had
summarised his work. He further considered that Luke,
who cornes third in the manuscripts, had used data from
both; ms prologue suggests this, and has already been
The experts in exegesis at this period were as able as
we are to estimate the degree of corroboration between
the texts and find a large number of verses common to
two or three synoptics. Today, the commentators of the
Ecumenical Translation of the Bible provide the following

verses common to all three synoptics 330
verses common to Mark and Matthew 178
verses common to Mark and Luke 100
verses common to Matthew and Luke 230
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