Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1
172 Jesus, Prophet ofIslam

and in the schools sorne points of our doctrine and ob­
tainedwhat 1 wished: For 1 broughtthe matterto sucha
point that it was known to all the States of the Empire
and 1 drew severallearned men to my side. The Elector
(fearing an invasion from the Emperor Maximillian) .. ,
deposed me ... 7

This letter fell into the hands of Emperor Maximillian. Neuser was
arrested along with his friends who included two men called Syl­
van and Mathias Vehe.They were thrown into prison. On the 15th
of July 1570 Neuser escaped only to be retaken. He escaped a sec­
ond time but was again arrested. Their trial continued for two years,
after which it was decided to behead Sylvan. At this point, Neuser
again escaped. This time he reached Constantinople and embraced

Francis David (1510-1579)

FrancisDavidwasbornin Kolozsar,Transylvania,in 1510.He was
a brilliantstudent, winning a scholarship to Wittenberg where he
trained for the Catholic priesthood for four years. On his return to
Kolozsar, he was appointed as rector of a Catholic school. He then
accepted Protestantism, left the Catholic school and in 1555became
therector of aLutheranschool. When the split in the Reform move­
ment between Luther and Calvin took place, David joined the Cal­
vinist party. The Reformation was still in its early days and in this
atmosphere the spirit of enquiry was not yet completely inhibited.
Discussion was allowed on every aspect of Christianity. The Re­
formed Church had not yet adopted a fixed doctrine and there was
roomtothinkfreely. Insuchanintellectualclimate, it was possible
to advocate a freedom of belief in which each individual was only
accountable to God.
The two dogmas which caused most confusion in the minds of
the general public at this time, and which defied rational explana­
tion, were those concerning the divinity of Jesus and the Trinity.
David's mind was troubledby these inexplicable articles of faith.
He could not see why anyone who believed in these 'mysteries'
without trying to understand them was considered a better Chris­
tian than those who did. He was not prepared to fol1ow any faith
blindly. Gradually he arrived at the conclusion that Jesus was not
divine, and affirmed belief in the existence of One God.
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