Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1

174 Jesus, Prophet cflsiam

During this period the writings of Michael Servetus, which had
been a1most completely destroyed by the Trinitarian Church au­
thorities, were smuggled into Transylvania and translated into the
local language. They were widely read and served to strengthen
the Unitarian movement in Eastern Europe.
The third synod, held in Hungary in 1569, was, in the judge­
ment of one Hungarian historian, 'the decisive debate' which pro­
duced the 'final triumph ofUnitarianism.' 10 The king himself pre­
sided over it, and it was attended by all the highest ranking civil
and military officiels of the kingdom. David's arguments were

•    The view of Trinity held by the Pope in Rome is re­
ally a belief in four or five gods: one substance, God,
three separate persons, each of whom are said to be
God, and one man, Christ, who is also regarded as
being God. God, however, is only One, the Father
from Whom and by Whom everything exists - Who
created everything and Who is above everything and
besides Whom there is no other god, neither three,
nor four, neither in substance, nor in persons - for
the Scripture does not teach anything anywhere about
a triple God.

•    The Church's God/Son who is alleged to have been
bom of the same substance as God from the begin­
ning of etemity is not mentioned anywhere in the
Scriptures-and neitheris the God/Son whois alleged
to be the second person of the Trinity descended from
heaven and become flesh. This is only human inven­
tion and superstition and as such should be discarded.

•    Jesus did not create himself - it was God Who gave
him his eminence. God had him begottenby the Holy
Spirit. God sanctified him and sent him into the world.

•    The relationship of Christ to God was determined by
God alone, with God in his absolu te Divine Sover­
eignty remaining distinct from and above everything
in His creation - including Jesus.
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