Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1
180 Jesus, Prophet ofIslam

Lelio Francesco Maria Sozini (1525-1562)

Lelio Sozini was bom in Bologna in 1525.He became a jurist whose
legal studies led him to research into Hebrew and the Bible. When
he was a young man, he left Bologna and moved to the area around
Venicewherea degreeofreligiousfreedomexisted whichwas un­
known in other parts of Italy. The writings of Servetus had found
their way there and influenced many. Among those who embraced
his belief, writes Wallace in his Anti-trinitarian Biographies, there
were 'many persons of distinguished rank and eminent attainments
in the city of Venice.' 17 Since theseopinionswere notopenlytoler­
ated by the Senate, those who held them began to meet in secret.
Their intention was to study the truth of Chrîstianity and to re­
establish the teaching of Jesus in its purity. Lubinietski in his His­
tory of the ReformationinPoland, writes:

They came to the conclusion that there is but one God.
Jesus was truly a man. He was conceived by the opera­
tion of the Holy Ghost in the chaste womb of a virgin.
The doctrine of Trinity and the divinity of Jesus were
the opinions introduced by pagan philosophers.' 18

Lelio met this group of Unitarians and, writes Wallace, 'soon be­
came enamoured of these views and embraced them with all the
ardour and ingenuousness of a youthful mind bent upon the pur­
suit and acquisition of religious truth.' 19 A gnostic called Camillo
influenced him especially. A new vista opened up before him. Up
until then, his mind had been înhibited by the rigid dogmas of the
established Trinitarian Church. He now felt a new freedom which
he had not experienced before. His life had taken on a new mean­
ing, and he wished to devote himself to the search for truth.
Il is known that the number of members in the Secret Society of
Vinecenza, as it is known today, was over forty. When the exist­
ence of this society was ultimately discovered, sorne of its mem­
bers were arrested and put to death, while others were fortunate
enough to make their escape and find asylum in other countries.
Other known members of this society besides Lelio Sozini, were
Ochinus, Darius Sozini (Lelio's cousin), Alciati and Bucalis. There
isa strong tradition that the last two of these men ultimately em­
braced Islam. Dr. White, in ms Brompton lectures, called the disci­
ples of Sozini 'followers of the Arabian prophet.' 20
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