Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1
Latet Unitarians in Christianity 211

Clarke's Scripture Doctrine ofthe Trinity. In this book, he cited 1,251
passages from the Scriptures to prove that God the Father was Su­
preme, and that Christ and the Holy Spirit were subordinate to
Hîm. Clarke later published an edited version of the Book of Corn­
mon Prayer omitting the Athanasian Creed and other Trinitarian

Theophilus Lindsey (1723-1808)

TheophilusLindsey wasbornin 1723. He wastheorganiserof the
first Unitarian congregation in England. Using a reformed order of
service based on Samuel Clarke's revision of sixty years earlier,
and robed without the traditional white surplice, Lindsey con­
ducted the first service in an auction room on Essex Street in Lon­
don. It was the 17th of April, 1774. The service was aUended by a
largecongregation indudingBenjamin Franklin and Joseph Priestly.
Here is Lindsey's account of the occasion, which is contained in a
letter which he wrote to a friend the next day:

You will be pleased to hear that everything passed off
very well yesterday; a large and much more respectable
audiencethan1could have expected,whobehavedwith
great deceney and in general appeared, and many of
them expressed themselves, to be much satisfied with
the whole of the service. Sorne disturbance was appre­
hended, and foreboded to me by the great names, but
not the least movement of the kind. The only fault found
with it,was that it was too small. From the impressions
that seemed to be made, and the general seriousness
and satisfaction, 1am persuaded that this attempt will,
through the divine blessing, be of singular usefulness.
Thecontrastbetweenours and the church-service strikes
everyone. Forgive me for saying, that l should have
blushed to have appeared in a white garment. No one
seemed in the least to wantil. 1am happy not to be ham­
pered with anything -but entirely satisfied with the
whole of the service; a satisfaction never before known

  • 1must again say it, and bless God for it, that we were
    enabled to being weIl. And we only desire to go on as
    through His blessing we have begun .,. 51

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