Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1

10 Jesus, Prophei ofIslam

Each of the four Gospels contains a large nurnber of
descriptions relating events that rnay be unique to one
single Gospel or common to several if not all of thern.
When they are unique to one Gospel, they sometimes
raise serious problems. Thus in the case of an event of
considerable importance, it is surprising to find the event
rnentionedby only one evangelist;Jesus' sAscensioninto
heaven on the day of Resurrection, for example. Else­
where, nurnerous events are differently described ­
sometimes very differently indeed - by two or more
evangelists. Christians are very often astonished at the
existence of such contradictions between the Gospels ­
if they ever discover them, This is because it has been
repeatedly said in tories of the greatest assurance that
their' authors were the eyewitnesses of the events they
describe! 1

Fortunately, there are other sources of knowledge concerning Je­
sus, sorne of which have survived the repeated atternpts of the es­
tablished Church to either suppress or destroy them:

In the early days of Christianity, rnany writings on Je­
sus were in circulation. They were not subsequently re­
tained as being worthy of authenticity and the Church
ordered thern to be hidden, hence their name 'Apocry­
pha'. Sorne of the texts of these works have been well
preserved because they 'benefited frorn the fact that they
were generally valued', to quote the Ecumenical Trans­
lation.The same was true for the Letter of Barnabas, but
unfortunately others were 'more brutally thrust aside'
and only fragments of thern rernain. They were consid­
ered to be the rnessengers of error and were rernoved
from the sight of the faithfùl. WorkssUch as theGospels
of the Nazarenes, the Gospels of the Hebrewsand the
Gospels of the Egyptians, known through quotations
taken from the Fathers of the Church, were neverthe­
less fairly closely related to the canonic Gospels. The
same holds good for Thornas's Gospel and Barnabas's
Gospel. 2

As regards other sources, the discovery of the famous Dead Sea
Serolls has thrown new light on the nature of the society into which
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