Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1

220 Jesus, Prophet ofIslam

rudiments of all the monkish austerities in the opinions
and practices of the heathens, who thought to purify
and exalt the soul by macerating and mortifying the
As to the abuses of the government of the Church,
they are as easily accounted for as abuses in civil gov­
ernment; worldly-minded men being always ready to
lay hold of every opportunity of increasing their power;
and in the dark ages too many circumstances concurred
to give the Christian clergy peculiar advantages over
the laity in this respect.
Upon the whole, 1 flatter myself that, to an attentive
reader of this work, it will appear, that the Corruption
of Christianity, in every article of faith or practice, was
the natural consequence of the circumstances in which
it waspromulgated;and also that its recovery frorn these
corruptions is the natural consequence of different cir­
To bring the whole (false Christian position) into a
short cornpass:

  1. The General Council gave the Son the same nature
    with the Father.

  2. Admitted the Holy Spirit into the Trinity.

  3. Consigned to Christ a human soul in conjunction
    with the Logos.

  4. Settled the hypothetical union of the divine and
    human nature of Christ, and

  5. Affirmed, that in consequence of this union, the
    two natures constituted only one person.

It requires a pretty good rnernory to retain these dis­
tinctions, it being a business of words only, and ideas
are not concemed in it. 5/)

Priestly also wrote another book called The HistoTy ofJesus Christ,
sorne of which is reprinted here:
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