Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1

228 Jesus, Prophet of Islam

(Matthew 9: 8): 'When the multitude saw il, they mar­
velled, and glorified God, who had given such power
unto men'
At the time that Herod heard of him, it was conjec­
tured by some that he was Elias, by others, a Prophet,
and by sorne that he was John risen from the dead; but
noneofthemimaginedthathe waseitherthemosthigh
God Himself, or the maker of the world under God. It
wasnotso much assuggestedby anypersonthatJesus
performedhismightyworksbyanypowerof his own.
H the doctrine of the divinity of Christ had been ac­
tually preached by the apœtles, and the Iewish converts
in general hadadopted il, it could not but have been
weH known to the unbelieving Jews. And would they,
who were at that time, and have been ever sinœ, so ex­
ceedingly zealous with respect to the doctrine of the
Divine Unity, not have taken the alarm, and have urged
this objection to Christianity, as teaching the belief of
more Goos than one in the apostolic age?
And yel: no trace of anything of this nature can be
perceived in the whole history of the book of Acts, or
anywhere else in the New Testament. To answer the
charge of holding two or three Goos, is a very œnsider­
able article in thewritingsof severalofthe ancientChris­
tian Fathers, Why then do we find nothing of this kind
in the age of the apostles? The only answer is, that then
there was no occasion for it, the doctrine of the divinity
of Christ not then having been put forward.
What was the accusation againstStephen, (Acis 6: 13),
but his speaking blasphemous things against the tem­
ple and the law? Ifwe accompany the apostle Paul in
anhis travels, and attend to his discourseswith the Iews
in their synagogues, and their perpetual and inveterate
persecution of him, we shall find no trace of their so
much as suspecting that he preached a new divinity, as
the godhead of Christ must have appeared, and always
has appeared to them.
Jsit possible to give due attention to these considera­
tions, and not be aware that the apostles had never been
instructed inany such doctrines as those of the divinity
or pre-existence of Christ? Hthey had, as the doctrines
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