Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1
12 Jesus, Prophet ofIslam

A Muslim Tradition, however, paints a slightly different picture.
According to this source:

He was a ruddy man inclined to white. He did not have
long hair. He never anointed his head. Jesus usedjo walk
barefoot, and he took no house, nor adornment, nor
goods, nor clothes, nor provisions, except his day's food.
His head was dishevelled and his face was small. He
was an ascetic in this world, longing for the next world
and eager for the worship of God. (Ath-Tha'labi).

The exact date of [esus's birth is not known. According to Luke, it
is associated with a census which was held in 6 AD. It is also stated
that he was born in the reign of Herod, who died in 4 Be. Vincent
Taylor, however, concludes that his date of birth could be as early
as 8 BC3,sinceHerod's decree -whichwas set inmotionby the
news of [esus's actual or imminent birth - that all newly born in­
fants in Bethlehem should be killed, obviously must have preceded
Herod's death. Even if we follow Luke, the discrepancy between
the two verses in the same Gospel is of ten years. Most of the com­
mentators believe the second verse, which infers that he was born
in 4 BC - i.e. four years 'Before Christ' - that is, four years before
he was subsequently and officially said to have been born.
The miraculous conception and birth of Jesus have been the
subject of much discussion. Sorne people believe that he was no
more than the flesh and blood son of Joseph. While others, believ­
ing in the immaculate conception, therefore conclude that he was
the'son of God,' butremaindividedas towhetherthistermshould
be taken literally or figuratively. Luke, who somehow traces Je­
sus's ancestry back through Joseph and simultaneously confirms
the fact that Jesus had no human father, says:

The angel Gabriel was sent from God to a virgin ... the
virgin's name was Mary. And the angel came in unto
her and said: 'Hail, thou art a highly favoured woman.'
And when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying
and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this
should be. And the angel said unto her: 'Fear not, Mary,
for thou hast found favour with God. And behold, thou
shalt conceive in thy womb and bring forth a son and
shalt call his name Jesus ... ' Then said Mary unto the
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