Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1

Latet Unitarians in Christianity (^237) \
We have another difficulty. Christianity, it must be
remembered, was planted and grew up amidst sharp­
sighted enemies, who overlooked no objectionable part
of the system, and who must have fastened with &!,eat
earnestness on a doctrine involving such apparent con­ 1
tradictions as the Trinity. We cannot conceive an opin­ i
ion, against which the Jews, who prided themselves on
an adherence toGod's Unity, would have raised an equal
clamour. Now, how happens it, that in the apostolic
writings, which relate sa much ta objections against
Christianity, and to the controversies which grew out of
this religion, not one word is said, implying that objec­
tions were brought against the Gospel from the doctrine
of the Trinity, not one ward is uttered in its defence and
explanation, not a ward ta rescue it from reproach and
mistake? This argument has almost the force of demon­
stration. We are persuaded, that had three divine per­^1
sans been announced by the first preachers of Christi­
anity, all equal, and all infinite, one of whom was the
very Jesus who had lately died on a cross, fuis peculiar­
ity of Christianity would have a1most absorbed every
other, and the great labour of the Apostles would have 1
been ta repel the continual assaults, which it would have
awakened. But the fact is, that not a whisper of objec­
tion ta Christianity, on that account, reaches our ears
from the apostolic age. In the Epistles we see not a trace
of controversy called forth by the Trinity.
We have further objections ta this doctrine, drawn
from its practical influence. We regard it as unfavour­^1
able to devotion, by dividing and distracting the mind \
in its communion with God. It is a great excellence of
the doctrine of God's Unity, that it offers to us One ob­ \
ject of supreme homage, adoration, and love, One Infi­
nite Father, OneBeing ofbeings, OneOriginalandFoun­
tain, to Whom we may refer all good, in Whom all our 1
powers and affections may be concentrated, and Whose
lovely and venerable nature may pervade all our
thoughts. True piety, when directed ta an undivided^1
Deity, has a chasteness, a singleness, most favourable to
religious awe and love. 1

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