Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1

250 Jesus, Prophet of Islam

Clearly, the manuscripts of the New Testament which were writ­
ten after the Council of Nicea are different from the manuscripts
which existed before the Council. It is significant that publication
of sorne of the Dead Sea Scrolls, when they do not verify the post­
Nicene manuscripts, have been withheld.
The unreliability of the officially accepted Gospels appears to
be admitted by the Church itself: The metaphysics of Christianity
today are not even based on what is in the Gospels. The estab­
lished Church is founded on the doctrines of Original Sin, of the
Atonement and Redemption of Sins, of the divinity of Jesus, of the
divinity of the Holy Ghost, of Trinity, and of the New Covenant.
None of these doctrines are to be found within the Gospels. They
were neither explained nor taught by Jesus. They were the fruits of
Paul's innovations, combined with the influence of Greek culture
and philosophy, and compounded by the speculation of latter-day
European Christians who did not know what they were talking
about. Paul never personally experienced either the company or
the direct transmission of knowledge from Jesus. Before his 'con­
version', he vigorously persecuted the followers of Jesus, and after
it he was largely responsible for abandoning the code of behaviour
of Jesus when he took 'Christianity' to the non-Jews of Greece and
beyond. The figure of 'Christ' whom he claimed taught him his
new doctrine is an imagination. His rejection of the Law of Moses

  • to which he nevertheless continued to refer whenever it suited
    him - is without divine sanction, and his teaching is based on an
    event which never took place, the supposed death and resurrec­
    tion of Jesus.
    Despite their extremely doubtful origins, the doctrines of the
    established Trinitarian Church form an integral part of the social
    conditioning of anyone who is given a 'Christian education'. AI­
    though many have rejected sorne or all of these doctrines, the magic
    they exercise is such that those who give them credibility are lead
    by their logic to believe in the notorious principle: 'Outside the
    Church,no salvation.'TheChurch's metaphysicalconstructis this:
    The doctrine of the Atonement and Redemption of 5ins says that
    Christ who was of God took on human form and became Jesus,
    who then died for all believers to atone for all their sins. The Church
    accordingly guarantees forgiveness of sins and salvation on the
    Day of Judgement, for any one who believes in 'Christ' and who
    follows the guidance of the Church. Further, it is believed that this
    contract is available to all people until the end of the world. The
    natural consequences of this belief are these:
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