Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1
Christianity Today 253

Doublethink lies at the root of believing Christians' fundamental
assumption that 'Christ' is God. It is around this assumption that
the controversy of the two natures of Jesus has continued to rage
for centuries. One moment he is human. The next moment he is
divine. First he is Jesus, then he is Christ. Itis only by the exercise
of doublethink that a person can hold these two contradictory be­
liefs simultaneously. It is only by the exercise of doublethink that
belief in the illusory doctrine of Trinity can be maintained.
Article VII of the Thirty-Nine Articles of the Church of England
begins: 'The OldTestament is not contrary to the New ...' As Milton
has so clearly shown, the Old Testament is full of passages affirm­
ing the One-ness of Gad. There is not one passage which describes
the Divine Reality in any of the terms used by believing Christians
to describe the doctrine of Trinity. The act of affirming what is in
the Old Testament -and in fact the Gospels for that matter - and at
the same time affirming belief in the doctrine of Trinity, is prob­
ably the greatest illustration of the exercise of doublethink within
Christianity today.
The logic of the established Church's metaphysic, based on doc­
trines which were not taught by Jesus, obscures not only the na­
ture of Jesus, but also the Divine Unity. Thus the metaphysic of
Christianity today is totally opposed to the metaphysic which was
originally taught by Jesus.
The physical aspect of what Jesus brought, his code of behav­
iour, is today irrecoverably lost. To live as Jesus lived is to under­
stand his message, yet there is virtually no existing record of how
Jesus behaved. And what little knowledge exists is often ignored.
The most fundamental daily act of Jesus was that of worship of the
Creator - the whole purpose for which man was created. Yet it is
evident that no Christian today makes the same acts of worship
which Jesus made. Jesus was educated in the synagogue in [erusa­
lem from the age of twelve. He preached in the synagogue. He
used to keep the synagogue clean. No Christian today can be found
performing any of the se actions. How many Christi ans have even
been circumcised in the manner that Jesus was? Jesus usually
prayed in the synagogue. He prayed at appointed times each day,
in the morning, at mid-day, and in the evening. He used to wash
with water before he prayed. The exact form of his prayer is no
longer practised, but it is known that it was based on the prayer
which Moses was given, and that it probably included the posi­
tions of standing, bowing, prostrating and sitting.

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