Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1
256 Jesus, Prophet ofIslam

This secret of this wonderful unity of our Church is
Christ's promise that the Churchwill never fail to teach
the truth, Once we know what the Church teaches we
accept it. For we know it must be true ... AU Catholic
priests teach the same doctrine because they all obey
the Vicar of Christ. The ward 'vicar' means 'one who
takes the place ofanother.' The Pope is the Vicarof Christ
because he takes the place of Christ as Head of the
Church on earth. The Church remains one because all
her members believe the same Faith. They believe it
because the Church cannat teach what is false. This is
what we mean when we say that the Church is infalli­
ble. Christ promised to guide his Church, One of the
ways Christ chose ta guide the Church was by leaving
his Vicar on earth ta speak for him, That is why we say
the Pope is infallible. He is the Head of the infallible
Church. God could not allow him ta lead it into error, 5

Itis significant that Cardinal Heenan talks only of 'Christ', and not
of Jesus. He does not refer to the Gospels ta support his daims ­
because there is in fact nothing in the Gospels ta support them!
The dogma of papal infallibility has often proved awkward, and
especially in retrospect. For, as we have already seen, if all the Popes
were infallible, then why wasPope Honorius anathematised? Does
the relatively recent papal encydical which states thatthe Jews were
not responsible for the supposed crucifixion of Jesus mean that all
the preceding Popes who were of the opinion that the Jews were
responsible were not infallible after all? And since Jesus was in fact
not crucified at all, does this not mean that all the Popes who have
believed that he was crucified were not infallible at all?
Many Roman Catholics today have rejected the validity of
'Christ's promisethattheChurchwillneverfail ta teach the truth,'
which is not ta be found in any of the Gospels: The great gap be­
tween Church teaching and practice, ta give sorne examples of con­
temporary attitudes, troubled Cincinnati's Archbishop Joseph L.
Bernadin, who said in an interview in V.S. Catholic:

Sa many consider themselves good Catholics, even
though their beliefs and practices seem ta conflict with
the official teaching in the Church. This is almost a new
concept of what it means to be a Catholic today ... Once
it becamelegitimate(in 1966) ta eat meat on Friday one
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