Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1
14 Jesus, Prophet of Islam

There are no such contradictions in the Qur'anie doctrine of the
immaculate conception and the miraculous birth of Jesus. Yet the
Qur'an - which confirms that the father of Mary, who was de­
scended from Solomon the son of David, was called 'Imran- firmly
rejeets the divinity of Jesus, as is shown in this description of what
happened shortly after [esus's birth:

Then she brought him to her people, carrying him. They
said, '0 Mary, you have indeed come with something
deceitful! 0 sister of Aaron, your father was not a wicked
man, and your mother was never immoral!' Then she
pointed to him. They said, 'How can we talk to a baby
in ms cradle?' He said, 'Surely 1 am the slave of God ­
He has given me the Book, and He has made me a
Prophet, and He has made me blessed wherever 1 may
be, and He has made the prayer and zakatobligatory for
me as long as 1 live, and He has made me obedient to­
wards the one who bore me, and He has not made me
tyrannical or ungrateful-and peace be on me the day 1
was born, and the day 1 die, and the day 1 shall be
brought back to life!'

Such was Jesus son of Mary -(this is) a statement of the
truth about which they are in doubt. It is not how it is
for God to choose any son -glory be to Him! When He
decrees something, then all He says to it is 'Be!' and it is.

,And surely God is my Lord and your Lord, so worship
Him. This is the straight path.' (Qur'an 19.27-36).

The birth of Adam was the greatest miracle, as he was born with­
out a father or mother. The birth of Eve too was a greater miracle
than the birth of Jesus, inasmuch as she was bom without a mother.
The Qur'an says:

Surely the similarity of Jesus with God is like the simi­
larity of Adam. - He created him from dust, and then
said to him: 'Be!' and he is. (Qur'an 3.59).

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